Subject: Re: Hackeretos och inkluderande språkbruk

Re: Hackeretos och inkluderande språkbruk

From: Mac Ryan <>
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 14:36:47 +0200

> Regarding changes in how we communicate, why is this discussion
> suddenly in english? This is a swedish FOSS group

This is another of those stereotypes that are legitimate (as nearly any
stereotype is) but part themselves from reality quite a bit: not
everybody who lives in Stockholm speaks Swedish, and most definitively
not everybody who works or is interested in FOSS does.

I am not taking position on whether it is more inclusive to use Swedish
or English on this list, but as a foreigner, I can guarantee that
*assuming* that because the list is geographically focused on Stockholm
the language should be Swedish, definitively conveys a different feeling
than inclusiveness. It's a typical case of overlooking minorities.

> Det pejorativa begreppet "politiskt korrekt" är ett rätt så dåligt ord
> att använda om man verkligen vill diskutera den här frågan. Jag tycker
> hellre att man bör tala om inkluderande språkbruk. Att bete sig så att
> alla känner sig välkomna helt enkelt.

+1 for this.


Received on 2010-08-31